  Object (about eyes),  Hydrocal, paraffin wax, expansion cement, Aqua Resin, two months of making strata, 2018
  Fossil (for standing),  Memory Foam, Aqua Resin, handmade lead basket, balloons from the floral section at Kroger cast in ductile steel, 2018
  Fossil (for standing),  Memory Foam, Aqua Resin, handmade lead basket, balloons from the floral section at Kroger cast in ductile steel, 2018
  Tile (to floor),  Maple plywood, Aqua Resin, honeycomb cardboard, 2018
  Spider (like water),  Raspberry Pi, plexiglass, steel, anchors, digital video loop, 2018   Feather (as cardinal),  feather from the grill of a car, plastic, gift tape, 2018
  Spider (like water),  Raspberry Pi, plexiglass, steel, anchors, digital video loop, 2018
  Bell tongues, a pewter inside, bronze feet (on making dust),  bell ringers, piano wire, fishing swivels, pewter, collectible bell, bronze casts of the insides of my shoes, fossil dust, birch ply, middle gray paint, 2018
  Bell tongues, a pewter inside, bronze feet (on making dust),  bell ringers, piano wire, fishing swivels, pewter, collectible bell, bronze casts of the insides of my shoes, fossil dust, birch ply, middle gray paint, 2018 (detail)
  Bell tongues, a pewter inside, bronze feet (on making dust),  bell ringers, piano wire, fishing swivels, pewter, collectible bell, bronze casts of the insides of my shoes, fossil dust, birch ply, middle gray paint, 2018 (detail)
  Shuffle (by sound),  color photograph on aluminum, 2018
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